sábado, 19 de março de 2011

Cristina Branco canta Slauerhoff

Cristina Branco singing a poem of the Dutch poet J. Slauerhoff (1898-1936).

Cristina Branco is a Portuguese Fado singer. She released her first albuns in The Netherlands: Cristina Branco Live in Holland in 1997 and Murmúrios in 1998.
Cristina Branco sings Slauerhoff is released two years later as a gratitude gesture towards the country where she started her career.
Curiosity...she has never lived in the Netherlands...;-)

About this Dutch poet, I read this at Wikipedia:

"In 1932 he published Het verboden rijk ("The Forbidden Realm," 1932), a partly historical, partly magical realist novel combining the life of a twentieth-century European with that of Luís de Camões, the sixteenth-century Portuguese poet (author of sonnets and the epic The Lusiads) who spent part of his life in the Orient."

Interesting the influence of our Major author!

He has also translated with R. Schreuder O Crime do Padre Amaro [De misdaad van Pater Amaro/Father Amaro's Crime] of the Portuguese 19th century author, José Maria de Eça de Queiroz, by the way, my Portuguese favourite author.

Now, I'm very curious! I want to know more about this Dutch author.

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