sexta-feira, 16 de abril de 2010

Portuguese Royal Train in the Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht


I visited the exhibition "Royal Class,vorstelijk reizen" at the Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht, specially to see...:-)

The Portuguese Royal Train (Royal Wagon of D. Maria Pia, Locomotive of King D. Luis I and the Prince's Wagon) :-)

From Spoorweg Museum

From Spoorweg Museum

The Royal Wagon of D. Maria Pia was given to her by her father, King Vítor Emanuel II of Italy, when she married with King Luis I of Portugal, in 1862.

From Spoorweg Museum

From Spoorweg Museum

From Spoorweg Museum

Maria Pia of Savoy (Torino,14 March 1847 - Stupinigi,Parco Reale,5 July 1911) was also known in Portugal as "angel of charity" or "mother of the poor" for her compassion and work on social causes.

From Spoorweg Museum

The locomotive D.Luiz is unique in the world and has won the golden medal in the London International Exhibition during the Industrial Revolution.

From Spoorweg Museum

King Dom Luis I (Lisbon, 31 October 1838 – 19 October 1889 in Cascais) had a calm and pacifying temperament.
He was a Consitutional Monarch model, respectful of public freedom.
During his reign, some of his acomplishments deserve special mention:
the beginning of the Lisboa and Leixões maritime port construction;
the extension of the road and railroad network;
the construction of Crystal Palace, nowadays called the Rosa Mota Pavillion;
the abolishing of the death penalty for civil crimes;
the abolishing of slavery in the Portuguese Kingdom;
the publishing of the first portuguese Civil Code.

From Spoorweg Museum

You can visit this exhibition until the 05th of September 2010.

More photos tomorrow ;-)

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

Traditional Portuguese Easter Lunch

From Pasen 2010

Roasted Lam Leg

One lamb leg with bone (1,5 - 2,0 Kg)
potatoes (1,0 - 1,5 Kg)
One big onion
4-5 garlic cloves
bunch of coriander
Olive Oil

Clean and wash the leg, retrieving the extra fat (tallow) and the
smell glands (if still there), and make deep perpendicular cuts to the
bone. Peel the potatos, cut them in smaller pieces and wash them very
well. Place the leg in the middle of a clay tray (or an oven tray) and
distribute the potatos around the leg. If it seems that you might need
more potatos, just peel and cut some more, wash and add them to the

Salt the potatos and the mead with gross salt, opening a bit the leg
cuts so the salt can reach the inside of the meat (don't use too much
salt so that you can still taste the meat). Grind some pepper and
place it on top of the meat. Mash the garlic cloves and spread them
over the meat. Peel the onion and slice them in rings, which you
should distribute over the full tray (on top of both the potatos and
the meat). Wash the coriander and cut it in gross pieces, spreading
them over the tray. Fill the bottom of the tray with water (add a bit
more than just enough to cover the bottom) and season the meat and the
potatos with a bit of olive oil (don't use too much so it won't get
too greasy).

Place the tray in the oven and heat the oven at 180 celsius, leaving
it there for an hour. Keep checking if the tray is deying, and if it
is, add some water. After the hour check if the inside of the meat is
too rosy, and if you think it's needed, keep it for a bit more (The
cuts in the meat shouldn't so close to each other as the leg will
loose it's form, but should be close enough to allow the meat to be
well cooked).
Instead of coriander you may also use rosemary.

From Pasen 2010

Perna de borrego assada no forno

Uma perna de borrego (1,5 - 2,0 Kg)
Batatas (1,0 - 1,5 Kg)
Uma cebola grande
4-5 dentes de alho
Um ramo de coentros
Sal qb
Pimenta qb
Azeite qb

Limpar bem a perna de borrego, tirando os sebos extra e as glândulas
de cheiro (se ainda lá estiverem), e fazer cortes profundos
perpendiculares ao osso. Descascar as batatas, cortá-las em quartos
pequenos e lavá-las bem. Colocar a perna no centro de uma travessa de
barro e colocar as batatas à volta da perna. Se parecer que são
precisas mais batatas, cortar as suficientes e colocá-las na travessa.

Colocar sal grosso qb por cima das batatas e da perna, abrindo um
pouco os cortes da perna para que o sal também chegue ao interior (não
salgar demais porque irá retirar o sabor da carne). Moer pimenta por
cima da carne. Descascar os dentes de alho e esmagá-los por cima da
carne, espalhando pela superfície da perna. Descascar a cebola e
cortar em rodelas, espalhando-as pela travessa. Lavar bem o ramo de
coentros, cortar em pedaços grosseiros e espalhá-los pela travessa.
Colocar água suficiente na travessa de modo a cobrir o fundo e mais um
pouco. Regar a travessa com azeite, passando com o fio por cima das
batatas e da perna, mas não exagerando no azeite.

Levar ao forno durante uma hora a 180 graus. Ir verificando se a
travessa tem molho suficiente, e se estiver a secar adicionar mais um
pouco de água. Em vez de coentros, também se pode usar alecrim.
Passada a hora, verificar se o centro da perna ainda está rosado, e se
necessário, deixar estar mais um pouco no forno. Os cortes
perpendiculares ao osso devem ser suficientemente distanciados para
manter a forma da perna, mas de modo a permitir uma boa distribuição
do calor pela carne.

Cristo Ressuscitou! Aleluia!

Bom Domingo de Pascoa!

Goede Week-Semana Santa
Witte Donderdag- Quinta-Feira Santa
Goede Vrijdag- Sexta-Feira Santa
Stille Zaterdag- Sabado Santo (dia de Recolhimento e Meditacao)
Paaszondag/Eerste Paasdag-Domingo de Pascoa ou primeiro dia da Pascoa.
Paasmaandag/Tweede Paasdag- Segunda-Feira de Pascoa ou segundo dia da Pascoa
Kruisweg-Caminho da Cruz
Kruisdood van Jezus-Morte de Jesus na Cruz
Christelijk Feest- Festa Crista
Christenen- Cristaos
Olijfberg-Monte das Oliveiras
Heilige Geest- Espirito Santo
Laatste Avondmaal- Ultima Ceia
Palmzondag-Domingo de Ramos
Paus- Papa

quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2010

Haja o que Houver

Happy Easter! Feliz Pascoa! Vrolijk Pasen!

Madredeus, Haja o que Houver

Haja o que houver
eu estou aqui
Haja o que houver
espero por ti
Volta no vento
Ó meu amor
volta depressa
por favor
Há quanto tempo
já esqueci
Porque fiquei
Longe de ti
Cada momento
é pior
Volta no vento
Por favor
Eu sei, eu sei
Quem és para mim
Haja o que houver
espero por ti